well it is raining again. there has been lots of rain in the last two wweeks. so much rain that it has taken six days to dry our clothes. WE FINALLY RELENTED AND HIRED A LOCAL LADY TO DO OUR WASHING WHICH COST US $5 a week. IT USually takes her about 3 hours. We are generous others would pay her $2 or $3. Yet i swear we do as much work moving it in and out. finally we just gave up and let it hang and get soaked again if it is less than 5o percent dry.
The river down the road outside the internet cafe is amazing. The water is at least 2 inches deep and covers the whole road. it´s impossible to stay dry when caught out in it even with an umbrella.
They say theweather here is changing too. Years ago October was windy and dry. There are now rapids in the river in the road. We are hoping the rains will cease soon. we´ve learnned alot. Black clothing .,books ect mold here something feirce.
LAST WEEKEND WE got together with Marcela and her Family. They toured around the northern part of El Salvador. The rut de flors. The root of floweres. We visited artistic towns, a gastrinaomical festival and several quaint little villages. We went to the top of a volcao and had some lunch. THE FLOWers are amazing. the brillance of the colors morado, amarillo, naraja, azul, rojo, verde and celestal.
We couldn´t belive it when we got home and saw we were only 40km from guatemala. Things are close here. lisa