Vienna and Chris left for Washington Dc today for Vienna to recieve her community Service award. I am so proud of her. Hope she has a great trip.
We are in Vilcabamba, Ecuador. This place just draws you back and many people get lost in time here. We just spent 3 days in the mountains on horseback. Some of the steepest trails I´ve ever been on let alone on a horse. Scary on the top of the cliffs, but then we had to come down and thank god there is a god as all I could do was pray. After the second day I felt much more confident and comfortable till I realized the trails were wet and slick. Nothing like horseback in the Andea mountains to test ones faith. After about 15 minutes I began to trust my horse and god again. Only 4 hours and 45 minutes more to go today. Treava who is only 8 was so amazing as she shouted buenismo tequilla to her horse.