
Travel log for Schmitterschrier living in Central and South America and travel excursion to Central America South America and the Galapagos Islands.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Granada, Nicaragua

hey guys, I miss u all so much!!!!!!! On our way to Panama we visited the most amazing little town on a volcano crater lake of Granada. It looks much like a colonial town or antigua before the tourist ,with a lake. Granada has some buildings that our as old as 425 years there is one hotel named Amilondo that runs for three blocks and is 410 years old.When we got to the town I felt like I was stepping into the 19 hundreds. It is a stunning place with the horse carts on the streets and the old houses making it seem like you have steped back in time. Also the lake is absoulutly amazing, its several volcanos that suround the lake and the lake is centered like a courtyard. We swam in the lake once and decided next time were staying ON the lake! Where we went, the monkey hut, a littel hotel on the lake for a day trip was so much fun!!! You could just relax and play basketball, take the canoes out, go swimming on the dock ,or float around in intertubes plus the water was so pristine you could see the botom out ten feet deep! It was a great place to just chill. Anyway back to Granada, you've heard about the looks of the town oh the people were well just normal, they dont were inuate clothing and most are pretty upper class because when you bought a house 4 years ago the price was around 35 thousand and now in the street called la libertad one of the most famous streets a littel not to nice house will cost almost450 thousand dollars. But just cause there upper class it doesn't mean there not nice. We met severall wonderful pepole and lots of gringos! Our tour guide on the horse carriage said that more gringos then locals live in the actual town ,though lots of locals live on the outskirts cause its cheaper to buy there. I would really like to visit there agin it was so amazing for me!!!!!!!

love vienna


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