
Travel log for Schmitterschrier living in Central and South America and travel excursion to Central America South America and the Galapagos Islands.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

christmas in El Salvador


As with many things El Salvadors Christmas is different in some ways from the American Christmas. We are working very hard with the girls to not evaluate and compare the two place, to only accept that each has it`s own beauty. Sounds simple yet is a very difficult task for all of us. Acceptance of the here and now.
Christmas EVE DAY WE TOOK THE BUS IN FROM San pedro to El Salvador. The bus rides are always an adventure. There is a reason why they call these buses the chicken buses. The women next to me had a chicken on her lap that she was taking to her parents house for christmas dinner. IT`S LEGS WERE TIED AND IT`S rear was in a bolsa (bag)it was amazing quiet on the ride. Other`s had huge bags of oranges, etol (corn) and many other products. The drivers are wicked. They drive at such high speeds that I`m sure we`ll go airborn off a cliff. Evidently the buses are privately owned which means each person owns their own. THEY HAVE USUALLY TWO OTHER PEOPLE WORKING WITH THEM, ONE TO COLLECT THE FARES(HE must have an amazing memory as people enter and exit and you pay after you are on and hopefully seated and the bus is moving.) The other man ushers the people and their belongings onto the bus. WHEN YOU ARE READY TO EXIT YOU STAND UP WHILE THE BUS IS IN HIGH SPEED MOTION AND THEY WILL STOP. Since the buses are privately owned the owner (driver and other two men keep the bus amazingly clean. it helps them that whenever a person is finshed with their trash they toss it out the window. At night they wash the whole bus inside and out. The chicken and other animal make it a neccessity I think. We usually sit with one of the locals and here the story of their life and share ours. THE OTHER DAY A FAMILY WITH A 6 MONTH OLD BABY WERE SITTING IN FRONT OF ME. We were playing peaka boo with her. The parents handed her to me and for the next hour Vienna, Treava and I entertained her while the parents sat and enjoyed watching.
So for Christmas we arrive here in San Salvador and spent the day shopping for last minute things. Then we went and took a siesta because Christmas night goes on into the weewee hours here. Then at 5 we began our progressive dinner and vists. We visited with Marcela's mom`s mother and step father. She lived in Alaska for a year during the civil war her. she told us stories of her life. THEN WE WENT TO lAURA`S BROTHER HOUSE WHERE WE PLAYED SOCCER AND SET OFF A TON OF FIREWORKS. Next was Fatima`s house where we sung Karoke christmas song. I was so excited when I recieved an excellent rating for SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN. I guess all the suzuki training has paid off. THEN AT MIDNIGHT they (each family lights off their own) brought out the big fireworks and for the next hour the sky was decorated with beautiful flowers and colors. Marcela is a was amazing with her zest and lack of fear. Next came a Christmas toast with a different virtue on the bottom of each glass. we each had to speak on this virtue and how we will use it in our life in the year to come. Then came a huge feast at 1 AM. It include chicken, the head and feet icluded. A delicacy here are the eggs that are indentro (inside) the chicken when killed. Their are many differnt salsas for the chicken and many other local foods. Chris says they are delicous. The rest of us aren`t brave enough to try. Dinner was followed with dessert of delicious flans and local dulces. Next was more Karoke and by this time we were exhausted. We went to bed at about 3 yet understand the rest retired at 6 am.
CHRISTMAS DAY WE WENT TO THE BEACH FOR SOME OF THE MOST AMAZING BODY SURFING i`VE EVER EXPERIENCED. i CAN GET A 100 -200 foot ride out of most waves. Noelle and Vienna have gotten really good at body surfing and love it as much as I do. Treava discovered a local tradition of throwing a ball out into the waves and trying to catch it. We all love the beach here. The trip to the beach was great for the girls as it made Christmas seem like Hawaii as Christmas has been hard for them. They have really been homesick these last couple days. So if you get a chance either e-mail them or comment here as i`m sure it would brighten their days.


At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well hello everyone! I hope all of you had a wonderful christmas~ it sounds like you did! Christmas was wet and rainy here in Ohio and nothing too exciting happened. I had my wisdom teeth out so the food just wasn't as easy to eat. I miss you all very much and I hope you are enjoying the experiences...I am soooo jealous! I love you all and have a safe and happy new years...Hope to talk to you soon!

At 8:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to read of your latest adventures and see that you are experiencing something new again. Hope you have a safe trip back to San Pedro.
There was bad weather in Kenai when Jeanie was to leave for Kev's. I hope that she got out to Eugene ok, I haven't heard from her. She should be back in Soldotna or on her way back by now. I will print your latest comments from the blog and send them to her.
Georgia and I stayed at Del Pueblo for Christmas and enjoyed a feast with all the other old RVers. I was invited to my brothers home near Phoenix for Christmas but will visit him and his family early in 2007 instead, as brother Joe is called out to work so often over the holidays and not able to visit much.
He is a medical tech at one of the big hospitals there.
Thinking of you all often and hope that you will remain safe. Hope that Chris is enjoying his retirement.
Love, Pat

At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Schmitterschriers! Happy holidays.

The Chays had a simple Christmas in San Cristobal de las Casas, which shared in common with yours its ups and downs as our grrls also missed Christmases past.

We're in Panajachel now. Maya is staying with a family and the other three of us are staying with another family not too far away. Spanish studies in the morning, and afternoons free.

We're looking forward to seeing you, assuming you make it this way.



At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It´s wonderful to hear from you! We are having some great travels, but Christmas was kind of hard, as we missed everything at home. We are now in Panajachel taking Spanish classes and staying with a family for a week. We hope to see you soon. If you want, you can visit my website at and that can keep you posted on exactly where we are. Again, we can´t wait to see you. Body surfing sounds so fun. Love from Maya and all the Chays.

At 10:54 PM, Blogger Christie said...

Hi all,

Everything you've written sounds amazing. I only wish we could see photos to bring your experience more to life here.

Christmas in Alaska was wonderful but isn't Christmas wonderful no matter where you are?

Thank you for keeping us up to date. I look forward to your new posts. Thanks for sharing.

At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings Schmitter-Schrier's!

So good to read about your adventures and experiences. Thank you so much for taking the time to post them. The boys would like to send emails to the girls so it would be great if you could forward their addresses to us. Send them to: [].

Happy New Year!

The Atchley's

At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Melekalikimaka and Makahikiho everyone!

So much fun reading about your little adventures around El Salvador and village experiences! We had a nice Christmas Eve celebration with family (20 of us) at a restaurant in Waikiki and then gathered at a potluck dinner at a relative's home on Christmas Day.

We're still going on walks and Jerry is at the point of walking on a trail that goes completely around Diamond Head Crater. His pedometer reads 7miles. He does this every day. I walk a couple of shorter trails either partially up Diamond Hd or around Kapiolani Park--adds up to 4 miles by the time I'm home. Jerry has about 2 weeks left from his 6-week vacation. He goes back to work for 2 weeks and will take another 6 weeks off. You can tell he's slowwwwllly retiring! using up his vacation time.

We had a small family gathering New Yrs Eve and then a quiet New Yrs Day. The fireworks in and around Waikiki were amazing to see.

Hope you had a wonderful New Yrs celebration and looking forward to hearing how the El Salvadorians celebrate the coming of 2007. Hugs, miss you,love you. Take good care, G/Claudia & G/Jerry.

At 3:59 PM, Blogger Kevin Schrier said...

It sounds as if you're all having interesting adventures! It was great talking to you during the holidays. We enjoyed our visit with Grandma Jeanie, Auna and her friend Lizzey (daughter of our old Eugene neighbor, Steven). Kai kept us all entertained. He is growing taller and slimming down, though still quite a chunk at 29 inches and 24 pounds. He is still not crawling at 10 months, but his fine motor skills are excellent -- I guess that is a typical trade-off for limited mobility.
Debbie says hi and has also been reading your blogs.
Be careful of foreign caterpillars!!
Love Uncle Kevin


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