Amazon and Quito
We just returned from the Amazon rainforest!! It was an amazing excpirience. Mom and Mary could have stayed for a month but I personaly miss conection with the outside world!
We saw lots of animals including... Doilphins, Parahnas(I caught one!), Aligators, Spiders,Ants,Birds,Monkeys and lots more! Thank godness no snakes! We will head to Peru to meet The Dunns(YAH!) in about ten days. I am very excited to see them but sad that mary is leaving!
Today we went to a soccer game in estadio olympico de Quito,Ecuador!! It was very fun! The first half it was tied intill the very end when Cueñca( Second best team in Ecuador to different Quito team) scored. After that Quito went downhill and Cueñca scored 2 more. Then after that we went to old town to show Mary. We went to a museum where we saw lots of nativety seens, that was really cool. The churches are beautiful but I was not able to enjoy them much cause of altitude sickness and stomach ache. Then we returned to the hotel and had a delicous dinner of taco salad and now im on the internet(oviously)! We head to baños(baths) tommarow and that should be very nice, there are suposed to be tons of very nice hot springs so even though mary wants hot weather I want cold for the hot springs.
I will write soon,
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