Week 3 at the farm went by fast. Hillary and I finished up a project at the school on Cuantas tiempo para decompensar? How much time to Decompose. We collected garbage and nailed it to a long board and made a timeline of how long it takes. We talked about trash and litter and for how many generations they might see the plastic bottle they throw down. They were shocked to think their grandchildren would see most of their trash. They were so proud of the project that when we went to hang it they wanted it where the whole community could see it so the could teach their parents.
I got quite the shock this week when I went into the storage room for food and a big hairy creature was hanging there. It was a sloth. It was wonderful to observe it up so close and how slow they do everthing even turn their heads. At first I was scared of it but seeing the sluggishness it moved with I decided there was little to fear.
We spent a lot of the week filling fundas (Plastic bags) with compost for a reforestation project. We also planted seed, tomatoes, cucumbers and more.
The farm was offering an permaculture class for a month. That ended on Wednesday and all the westerners left. We all now love the more intimate setting with the farm hands and the more leisurely pace. We will be sad to leave yet look forward to more adventures. Love lisa
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passadinha lá no meu, que é sobre frases e poesias, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://mil-frases.blogspot.com. Um abraço.
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