What a trip so far! We made it safely to Rio Muchacho organic farm and are now in Conoa a small beach town 20 minutes from the farm. We have been doing lots since we arrived at the farm including caring for the horses, agriculture ect. I will go through our daily schedual,
5:45> We wake up, get dressed in our work cloths and head out to the horse corral.
6:00> Work begins, we start attaching the wagon to collect sugar cane or processing it through the grinder.
6:15> If collecting sugar cane we make it to the field where the machetes are brought out and we begin wacking and loading sugar cane and grass to feed to the horses.
6:15> If not collecting grass we begin feeding the grass and sugar cane(that was collected the day before)to cut it up into very small pices and then put into feed troughs.
6:45> We let out the horses from the pasture above and bring them down to the horse corral.
7:00-7:30>Get ready for breakfast, shower with cold water(alway freezing cold and only if needed).
7:30-8:00> Eat breakfast which contains fruit slalad and bread.
8:00-11:30> Lisa and noelle teach at the school( Vienna is starting this week and Treava studies in the kindergarten class).Chris does handyman services around the farm.
12:00> Lunch time! Lunch typicaly contains of: Soup,Rice,Beans and a juice.
12:30-4:00> Chris: does more handyman things or helps in the garden. Vienna: Washes one of the 7 horses( including donkey) and later takes for a walk.Lisa:Helps the girls with the horses or helps out in the garden or kitchen.Noelle: Washes one horse and later takes for a walk.Treava: Helps noelle,vienna or mom.
4:00> Work ends and we are free till dinner time.
6:00> We eat dinner( usally rice and beans.)
7:30> Go to bed~! Early wake up!
This is our usual scheduel but on monday and tuesday vienna, Noelle and Lisa take a all day agriculture class. Also Vienna,Noelle,Chris and Lisa take 1 hour spanish classes per day.
I will write next weekend.
Thank you sooooooooo much for the pictures and up-dates. We miss you all too, but know that you are contributing to the community and environment, as well as growing through your experiences. What wonderful experiences and information you will be able to share in permaculture. I look forward to you being my teachers, and including some of the practices in my garden. Love you all MUCHO@!!!!!!!!!!
I spend some time looking at your wonderful blog. Congratulations and have fun. You gonna love Otavalo and Ecuador in general. The wheather in Quito is great!!. We all in San Pedro are looking forward to see you again.
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